Instagram’s new saved post collections should worry Pinterest

For the past few months or so, Facebook has been on a mission. A mission to ape every unique functionality inside Snapchat, in a wholesale manner, and bring it to its own services. Instagram has benefitted the most from this strategy, by far. In fact, the Stories feature that Instagram ‘borrowed’ from Snapchat has become more popular than the original.

So now that it’s pretty much done copying Snapchat, Facebook seems to have turned its attention to Pinterest. This could very well become its next victim, since Instagram is announcing a new feature that’s very reminiscent of a unique selling point for Pinterest.

It’s called Collections. This means you can now organize the Instagram posts you save for later – they are no longer just one long list of everything you’ve ever saved. You still get that under the “All” tab, of course, but if you want to you can choose a Collection under which to put each and every save you make.

To save stuff directly to a collection, you only need to tap and hold the bookmark icon underneath any post. You can then find your collections in the saved posts tab on your profile. Your collections are private, of course, just like saved posts have always been.

Instagram says 46% of its users have already saved at least one post since that feature debuted last December. Collections will surely make this number go even higher. The Collections functionality arrives as part of Instagram version 10.16, which is already available in both the iTunes App Store for iOS and the Google Play Store for Android.